
Sunday, 9 December 2012

Month of Christmas Dec'2012

One week after I came back here after a week of holiday at KL, my mum actually thought that I have came back here for more than a week already (She was just looking forward for time only)! Sometimes the time passes very fast for me but it is not the same for my mum. I guess it will be a very hard time for her to wait for another two months for me to go back again for Chinese New Year! 

December is the most fun month of the year because there are a number of holidays which fall into this month and we are getting our bonus too. But sad to say, I got to work on Christmas Day. Ish... Anyway, just bear with it for the next few weeks and here comes the New Year and it's January! Come on! Praying hard that each day comes faster!!! Looks like I am the one who is counting the days!

And one more thing, I have to wish all my friends who go their posting! Although many of them didn't get what they want, but I just want to wish them best of luck in their future new working place!

Enjoy and have a nice day...

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