
Wednesday, 9 January 2013

A Day in the Ward

To become a good clinical pharmacist, you must really well equipped yourself with abundance of knowledge.  Regardless of knowledge about drugs only, you must also need to know how to treat and give your utmost support to your patients. Sometimes things happen in the ward might trigger your emotions too!

Just like something happened today! It was really a depressing day for me! I am quite used to see people passed away just like that without a notice, but this was the first time that I saw the husband begged his wife to let him go as to relieve his sufferings. I was so stunned and emotionally depressed for more than 10 minutes when I saw it. When he became desaturated not long after that, nothing came across my mind but just to give  my best to assist the doctors and nurses in saving back the patient. I felt so so sorry for his wife but this is life. I wouldn't continue this story anymore.

Just a bit of reminder. To become a good pharmacist is not about having all the knowledge in the world, but it is about how do you use it to save a life!

Enjoy and have a nice day...

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