
Thursday 23 July 2009

My Research Project - Part 1

After I have been figuring for so so so long whether should I take up the research project, I got the answer finally.....
As before, I have been having the thoughts of taking up the research project since week 1, but I know that I surely can't cope up with my studies if I take up the research project as I have an event to organised for my society. It's really a MUST event for me because I have no way to run from this "responsibility". So I have been starting to have meetings and putting in 99% effort to do my best for that event. Since then, I didn't think of taking up the research project anymore.
As I am preparing the UCSIUPSS budget for this upcoming AGM as well, I get to know that the head of school has cancelled off my event. This is because the head of school prefers us to join the university's prom night and moreover there will be more resources funded by the university, so it will be more GRAND. Ok, that's fine with me as I always think for the pros and the cons. I feel that the pros and the cons are equal, so I let the surroundings to influence me and the cons got the "victory". Thus, I am free from any "responsibity". My life will be study, lab work and come back and sleep.
A few days later, it comes to my delight when I heard that the dateline for the research project application has been extended. That's where I started to look for information about all the 7 choices given by the school. Too bad that I am a bit late to hand in my form because someone else has taken my first choice, so I got to take a research project whereby I need to deal with 20 rats. Haha.. Actually it's all about toxicity studies of a herbal product. I don't mind dealing with rats compared to frogs. Yucks.. With their slimy skin. Just having bad feeling when you have it in your hands and without a glove too. Ok ok, don't think about it already. Anyway, I hope that I can enjoy the process of doing my first undergrate research project.
Enjoy and have a nice day^^


  1. good luck in ur research. hehe. who else taking research??

  2. Haha.. thx alot.. err.. still got Lucinda, Min Lu, Prathaban, Choo Hoe.. So hows going on? R u ready for 10th of August? Haha

  3. hey, heard that u r taking dr chin's project huh? Glad to hear that! Hope everything will go smoothly for us!

  4. hye, thx.. choo hoe, same to u as well.. lolzz// all the best


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