
Wednesday, 18 May 2011

This Is Not Going To Be The End..

This is really my first time to have birthday gatherings for 4 consecutive days! It's 4 days!! Though it was tiring, but I am really thankful and really really appreciate every moment with my family and all my friends because I am not sure whether we are able to meet up for such gatherings in near future or not but definitely it is a MUST!

I have such feelings for the past 6 months already and I enjoyed myself during every meet-ups to the max. It all started since last year's Christmas or perhaps it should be the Team Building Camp. I know that I will not be able to gather with everyone for Christmas and Easter again or other significant events and celebrations if I so happened to be posted to somewhere far. Anyway, no one knows what will be happening for the coming 2 months.

I know that I will not be meeting most of my coursemates anymore but I will make sure that I will try my best to keep in touch with as many as I can! It is just the beginning to test on our friendship! I guess it will be much more challenging than keeping in touch with my primary or secondary schoolmates because we are really far apart this time.

Sorry to say that it will be quite lengthy to acknowledge everyone over here but sincerely deep within my heart, I will never forget anyone including lecturers too! I am pretty sure that it is really hard to say Good-bye after every meet-ups, so try to hold on your tears and telling yourself that "This is not going to be our last gathering!" And hopefully it is not going to be someone's wedding when the next time we meet up!

Just a very nice video to share! I still remember that many of my friends shed their tears when this song was played during a farewell party for one of my beloved lecturer. My Wish!

Enjoy and have a nice day! Please keep in touch via facebook or blogs, friends! I will try my best to update everything often and please update about yourselves to me as well!! Cheers!


  1. sure this won't be out last gathering least we can plan a gathering trip or yum cha once a year or more than that lo..hehe..''my wish ''really is our favourite song ah..we can put this song as our theme song!!take care big bro

  2. sure got chance to meet up one lah. dont worry. true friends will always be treasured no matter where they are. hehe.


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