
Tuesday 22 September 2009

Insomnia, Insomnia............

Insomnia, insomnia.. Really having terrible insomnia.. I can now call myself GOD OF INSOMNIA!
Sleeping for less than 4 hours daily for 5 consecutive days. This is really bad to my body system. Luckily it is Hari Raya now and there's not many people in KL, or else it will be crowded and I am at high risk of getting H1N1 due to weak body defense. I am not sure why is this happening even though I did not take coffee for about a week, maybe I am entering the aging process and having a different sleeping pattern compared to other teenagers. So sad that everyone is coming back today and KL is not going to be a dead town until the end of the year.
Anyway, life is very hectic these few days even though I did not work at Vincci for this Raya break. First and foremost is about the marketing plan. Getting more worries day by day, I think this is one of the factor which causes me insomnia. Next, I had a lot of gatherings these few days because my parents were not in as they have went somewhere else for holiday. From my juniors, to my 兄弟; from my 兄弟, to my former classmates; nearly gone out with my church friends, but I was a bit too lazy at that time. This is the disadvantages if you have super great networking with many people around you. lolzz.. Just joking about that. Pray hard that I can finish my DFD, marketing and maybe a bit of non-Rx notes by the end of this week.
I am not sure why is this "MARRIAGE" thing keeps playing in my mind. Maybe I am having the wrong perceptions of married at the moment, that's why GOD is screwing the positive ideas into my brains everytime when I have a dream. Hye, it is not a kidding matter as I am having these dreams even in my afternoon nap. Once, someone told me about this, "令你感动的人不一定可以让你找到真爱." The first time when I heard this, I think that this is really a bullshit, or else why is it so many people believe in 一见钟情 and falls into the love trap so damn easily especially girls. But after a while, it is really true when I think back. Haha.. Based on my opinion, these people are most likely to cause "one night stand" problems. So when there is some unavoidable thing has happened. They got no choice but got to just follow the "law"if they are responsible. So they got married because of RESPONSIBILITY.
But the contradicting thing is when my priest told me about this. A married person will only have one responsibility but a non married person will have a lot of responsibilities. This is because married people will need to be responsible for their own spouses, not others wife or husband but non married people will need to be responsible to make everyone at their surrounding to be happy. WHY? Don't tell me that you don't need to be responsible for talking to someone else, how about flirting or maybe peeping someone else? If you tend to be an anti-social person like me in the future, then this doesn't apply to you. But you want to be a free person after getting married. I want to have infinite freedom to myself, I am selfish which doesn't like sharing. So what is the conclusion! DON'T GET MARRIED! (Please don't tell my mum, my mum will get upset and kill me off straight away) lolzzz...
Enjoy and have a nice day^^ Selamat Hari Raya to everyone!!

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