
Thursday, 21 July 2011

Sower, Seed and Soil

I was wondering, "what if I can't get Sabah for my posting". Instead of Sabah, I got HKL. Then it is really an O... M... G...

Life wasn't that easy for these few weeks. I need to work for extra working hours nearly everyday for the past 2 weeks and I am still unsure whether I will get paid for the extra working hours. It's ok. My mum just said that take it as part of your learning experience and don't worry too much about the amount on the pay-slip at the end of the month. Moreover, this is not going to be my long term job which is suitable to earn for a living. Anyway, I am already counting down the days. 6 more days to go and hopefully I am not soft-hearted to extend my working period here.

Oya, I have something to share out. Just a wonderful reflection from my parish priest 2 weeks ago.. It was all about a sower, seed and soil. We, as humans are always the sowers whereas the seeds are what we want to deliver to other people. And the soil is about the surrounding. While I was blogging about this, I think I should use happiness as the seeds as an example because my priest actually use good news from the bible as the seeds. "If we (sowers) are able to plan good seeds (happiness) onto good soil (surrounding), I am pretty sure that we are able to produce good crops (people around us)." So how true is this?! One very common or perhaps a very good example is about influence from the parents since young. Just got lucky to get a very good video clip from Youtube. Check this out..

This is really worth for reflecting ourselves sometimes. Just spend about 10 minutes and think about this. Enjoy and have a nice day.


  1. why OMG oh??? Haha. Stay close by at home loh. Takkan you wanna appeal oh??

  2. Haizz.. long story.. btw, how are you doing there??

  3. we will know in 1 month time. now trying to reduce my weight loh


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