
Tuesday 9 June 2009

Stepping Stone for Investment

I am not sure whether you still remember that I have mentioned about Cashflow® or any books related to this game in the previous few blogs. Ok, never mind. It is a bit headache to recall back; even I wouldn’t remember what I have eaten for last week. Lolzz.. This game is actually a financial game by Rich Dad, created by Robert K. I can say that it is more complicated to learn to play this game compared to Monopoly but this game is more about the reality, more fun and more interesting.

I recommend this game for you if you really know nothing about investment. There is always a risk in doing each investment; even I wouldn’t know what will happen to the share market tomorrow. I always believe like what people always say, “There is always a risk in earning big money!” But before you choose to do any investment, for example buying a house, setting up your own company or maybe buying shares to gain a net profit income, you need a stepping stone. You may need to learn how to invest, what to invest, when is the right time to invest and etc.

Learning how to invest is something like building the Roman Empire over ages whereby there is no shortcut or maybe masters it overnight. It needs a lot of time and patience. The creator created both the board game version and the PC version. So here are some shots of the game from the PC version, hope you will enjoy it.

Enjoy and have a nice day^^


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